中國花語 Flower Words In China
花朵是首飾設計者常用的圖案。 漂亮精緻的花朵, 清新可愛,充滿唯美氣息。 不同地方和民族往往以不同的花朵取材, 也有特別的喻意和象徵,以表現該地方獨有的文化特色。
盛放杏花耳環 - Almond Blossom Flower Earrings
耳環介紹: 請按這裏
In China, actually both flower and fruit are used as detail in artistic design. Some of the commonly found flower-fruit patterns and its symbols are introduced below:
竹節 - Bamboo |
桃花 - Peach Blossom |
牡丹: 富貴美滿
菊花: 情操堅貞
桃花: 傳春報喜
蘭花: 高潔清雅
水仙: 新年瑞兆
石榴: 多子多福
桃: 長壽多福
枇杷: 吉祥
柿子: 諸事順心
竹節: 虛心志高
葫蘆: 子孫萬代
Lotus: honest, upright & selfless
Peony: rich, happy & successful
Chrysanthemum: having faithful & noble thoughts
Peach blossom: spring starting & announcing good news
Orchid: noble & virtuous, elegant & graceful
Daffodil: new year starting, auspiciousness & luck
Pomegranate: lots of children & full of auspiciousness
Peach: long life & full of auspiciousness
Loquat fruit: propitious
Persimmon: highly satisfactory in all conditions
Bamboo: modest and open-minded with lofty aspiration
Calabash: descendants in generation after generation
蓮花 - Lotus |
牡丹 - Peony |
菊花 - Chrysanthemum |
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